I named my title Benjamin Franklin The Electricity Man because he was the one that discovered electricity. I chose to research Benjamin Franklin because I only knew that he was a famous man that discovered electricity but I never knew about his life, so here is some facts about him that I have learned so far: Benjamin Franklin's family was so poor that when they got off the boat from England they all looked for land and that land they found was Boston. He ran away from his home town Boston to go to Philadelphia to get food but once he realized what Philadelphia was like he realized the tiny amount of coins he had and that no Philadelphia person would give him any food. Before he discovered electricity he owned a print shop named Pennsylvania Gazette.
How he discovered electricity was when he was at a science fair and when he was showing people his project, his project was he had sown that electricity consisted of a common element which he called Electric Fire then... BAM!, there was electricity! Mr.Franklin also discovered later on that electricity was fluid like liquid. He said to himself "I can finally adventure the world and tell people there is now electricity!"Also he discovered electricity by studying natural philosophy and science in all of the colonies. Benjamin Franklin didn't invent electricity but he did invent some of the terms we use for electricity such as: Battery, Charge, Condenser, and Conductor. He also invented other things such as:Franklin Stove, Lightning Rod, Glass Harmonica, and Bifocals.
I got my information from a Cedar Ride Intermediate Library Book By: Brandon Marie Miller named Benjamin Franklin American Genius also HERE. I got my picture from Google Images.
I didn't know about that story when he was a child. Can you find more about what he did as a scientist and add to this blog post?
ReplyDeleteI added some facts so do you think I need to add more or is it good?
ReplyDeleteVery interesting. Kiara, you can always go in and keep adding to this post about Ben Franklin so there is no need to ever make another post about him.