Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Oh! No! Not The Hiccups! How Long Will They Last This Time!?


Do you know what causes hiccups to last so long? Hiccups are made because there is a spasm that contracts your diaphragm. Surprisingly this is not rare, but some people have their hiccups for more than 48 HOURS! Whenever your hiccups last more than 48 hours they are called persistent hiccups. This is not even rare but if your hiccups last more than a MONTH they are called intractable hiccups. Hiccups also can give you a sign that your sick and have a disease and sometimes you get hiccups because you have been stressed a lot or you have to much of the emotion you are having.

I got my information from HERE! 
If you need more info you can go HERE or HERE!


  1. I can't imagine having hiccups for 48 hours straight! You still need to keep research to have 3 reliable sources. Maybe you can find out how to get rid of them?

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