Bell invented one of our most used objects today- the telephone. But he only started on it because he misunderstood a paper he had read at the art museum he had gone to. But , that led to the phone .So, whenever you have your phone you can think of the man who made it, you can thank Alexander Graham Bell.
Bell was born March 3,1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland . His dad had been a professor in the University of Edinburgh ,but, also wrote books that sold well in the UK as well as America. Alexander was homeschooled until he was 11 years old. Then he went to Edinburgh royal high school. Then he started his love of science , but, he did not do well in other subjects.
After Bell was let out of school he taught at a school for the deaf. All while trying to invent the telephone. In 1870 Alexander moved to Canada with his Family. But, even after he moved he worked on the telephone. When the phone was invented he never kept one for the fear of getting distracted from his work.
I got my information
So a mistake lead to one of my favorite inventions!