Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How a Rubik's Cube Works

In the fifth grade, I learned how to solve a Rubik's Cube. But until now I didn't know (and wondered) how it works. On the inside of every cube there is a core. The first part of a core is just a plastic sphere, but with six plastic rods coming out of it (most of a Rubik's Cube is made of plastic). The rods are connected to the center pieces on each side. The rods can turn and then they turn the center piece, which turns the entire side. Also, all the pieces are tightly locked in, but if lots of force is put on the piece, it will pop out. The pieces are hard to break so that they don't. If you do break a piece, it will take lots of time and strength to fix it.

A video showing the insides of a rubiks cube is here.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure many 5th graders would enjoy watching the videos. Can you put the links at the end so we can watch them? Please.
