Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Have you ever wondered why nobody has lived on Mars before? Well I’m here to tell you. Mars’s atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide and some water vapor. Those are 2 reasons why we can’t live on Mars right there. WE NEED WATER AND OXYGEN. You might have heard of water on Mars but it is not enough for us to live. By just the words carbon dioxide we already can say in our heads “Nope.” We breath in oxygen and we breath out carbon dioxide.

Mars may seem like like it would be really hot because it is near the sun, but no. The Earth is closer to the sun than Mars, so if you were to go to Mars it would somewhat be colder than Earth. But again you can’t live on Mars so if you want to visit mars then you should become an astronaut. To be exact Mars is 142 million miles away from the sun when Earth is only 93 million miles away from the sun. Also on Earth we have had very hot days, we have gone up to 136.4 degrees fahrenheit and we survived. So if we could survive then, then we could survive on Mars only if Mars wasn’t loaded with carbon dioxide and had more water. But the average temperature on Mars is 80 degrees fahrenheit so again if Mars had oxygen and water then we could definitely survive.

Earth has one pretty moon, but did you know that other planets have multiple moons? Mars has two pretty moons. Just picture what they look like when they are both full moons. Pretty, isn’t it.

Throughout your life you have probably always heard everyday is 24 hours, but have you ever thought about other planets and how long their days are? Well, the length of Earth days aren’t even 24 hours exact, they are about 23 hours and 56 minutes. Mars’s length of day is more than 24 hours, it is about 24 hours and 37 minutes. You have also heard about there is 365 Earth days in a year. Well in Mars there is 687 Earth days.

If you would like to learn more scientific facts about Mars go HERE to find the websites I used.


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