Thursday, October 13, 2016

Two Blog Review

By reading Callie’s blog post on monarch butterfly tagging, I think I learned some interesting facts. In her post, she talked about how the monarchs start to migrate when the first cold front arrives. They breed in the United States, as well as Canada, before migrating to Mexico. It is important to record when and where you’re tagging them. She let me know that if I see a monarch with a tag number, I should call it and report my finding! How long does the process take to tag them?

By reading Tatym’s blog post on Convict fish, I learned some cool things about that fish, and have gathered some facts to conduct a short summary. The adult fish dig huge tunnels underneath the seabed. They apparently never leave (not even to eat dinner)!! The babies emerge from the burrow all at once, creating a big volcanic eruption of fish. Tons of them come out of the small hole, each carrying little mouthfuls of sand. They’re helping their parents out by getting rid of it. The babies then go out to hunt, in (sometimes) mile long schools to search for plankton. Do they live in certain oceans?

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