My Take Away From Fall Is In The Air
When I read Fall Is In The Air it really made me notice how beautiful fall time really is. My favorite part of Fall Is In The Air is how the leaves change color in fall. I had always wondered why the leaves change color in the fall and now I know that In fall the trees begin to cut off the food making process and the green color begins to disappear.I was surprised to hear that there are about 58 different types of acorns in the united states.That was very surprising, almost as surprising as pumpkins require a long growing season of 75-100 frost free days. One thing I was still wandering after reading Fall is in the Air was what is photosynthesis?
My Take Away From Pluto
When I read Pluto I loved all the very interesting facts like how Pluto is named after a eleven year old girl or that Pluto is the largest planet in the Kuiper Belt.I had no idea that Pluto is covered in methane and nitrogen ice.I found it very cool that Pluto is less than one fifth of the Earth's size. I knew Pluto was small for a planet,but I would've never thought Pluto was that small.One question I still had after reading Pluto was why Pluto was named after an 11 year old girl?
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