Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Compass navagation

Before the invention of the compass, people used the sun and stars to find there way.  The Big Dipper points to the North Star and in the Southern Hemisphere, the southern cross constellation points to the south.  

"In the 11th Century there was a chinese scientist named Shen Kua who invented the magnetic compass using a needle and lodestone which is a hard, black magnetic rock... After this discovery, sailors began to use magnetic compasses to find their way across the ocean." (Worldbook, pg. 91)  They would use a long piece of lodestone hanging by a string that would point North/South to help them navigate.

Hikers and Sailors in the 21st century still use magnetic compasses to find their way.  However, with the invention of G.P.S. (Geographic Positioning System) traditional compasses are not used as much anymore.  There is still a sport that uses compasses, it is called orienteering.  I found a website where they organize groups to compete in orienteering.  There are also instructional videos that explain how to use compass and maps for navigation of trails.  

I am glad that compasses were invented so people can find their way and not be lost.  


WorldBook's Young Scientist book 2, Magnetic Power and Electricity.  

1 comment:

  1. What do you do if your compass is lost!!?
