Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Wolf Spider

Check out my Vlog HERE!Check out a vlog by Scientist EZR about this amazing spider!  The vlog series is called " Spiders 101".  The sources I used were: ( i would put a link but the website is for sale and it wont let me) (once again would put a link but it wont work) and , if you are not sure how to get to the article that i used, or need to get there faster, or want to get there faster, go HERE

1 comment:

  1. Good information and I loved seeing the pictures where you compare the wolf spider to a wolf. Remember every episode needs 3 reliable/credible sources. I only heard you mention 1 site. You don't necessarily have to tell us the sites, you could just list them here when you post the Vlog on this site. I look forward to seeing more!
